Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Things I'm thankful for... the weekend away edition

We did some really good weekending this weekend. It was so good I forgot to blog, or even think about blogging, one of those ones. It reminded me of all the things I'm thankful for, and in a week that's also been a bit mixed and had some not great things happen I feel like it's more important than ever to be thankful and remind myself of all that's good - for me, that list includes:

  • Old friends. The really comfy ones. Where you chat, or not chat (and that feels totally OK and not-at-all-awkward) and it's easy and comforting and you remind yourself why they're such good friends and that you really bloody need them around to remind you who you are and what's important.
  • Cake. Because really and truly the hunk of carrot cake pictured above saved me from a terrible hangover on Sunday and for that I am eternally grateful.
  • The sun (who has since departed) for making everyone altogether more happy.
  • My trusty Saltwater sandals. For going with everything and being just so comfortable that I never want to take them off because all of my other shoes all of a sudden feel just too warm and stuffy.
  • Arlo's brain cells. Bear with me on this, but after a particularly difficult week, where we cursed the 'terrible twos' and wondered who'd come and swapped our usually sweet and caring boy with an irrational, tantrum-throwing goblin child, something's clicked and the Arlo we know and love is back. Not only is he happier and more rational since the weekend, he all of a sudden knows loads of new words, so I'm putting it down a developmental leap that was going on in his brain that he's now worked past. Yay for brain cells!
  • Having a bit of a think. Was so interested to read this collection of thoughts from atheists sharing how they find meaning in a 'purposeless universe' - I was struck by the reoccurring themes running through them all as they listed the things that make their lives meaningful - friends, love, learning, teaching, being creative, enjoying the simple things. SO true, and all things to be thankful for. Today and every day.

 photo HappyDays New Badge Small_zpskpfebjmi.jpg


  1. Yay for cake, salt waters and friends! Sounds like you have had such a lovely week :)
    Becky x

  2. Old friends are the best, definitely sounds like a great weekend! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  3. Haha, never knew carrot cake was a hangover cure. I will remember that for future reference.

    That Buzzfeed link you shared is really interesting. Just sent it to hubby as he loves that kind of thing.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Oh my gosh, the carrot cake was such a winner for the hangover! It was the ideal combination of carbs and sugar and it sorted me right out :)

      Glad you liked the link - I thought it was an interesting read. It reminded me of what's important xx
