Sunday, 15 February 2015

My favourite corners

I am so nosey when it comes to other people's homes. I am a sucker for a look at a lovely interior and spend probably a bit too much time pouring over pictures on pinterest and blogs, getting all inspired. I see shots people take of their beautiful homes on my favourite blogs and I dream of doing the same but the reality is that with Arlo running around our house is never tidy for long enough! So instead of taking photos of whole rooms, I snap pics of little corners from time to time - and I thought I'd share them from time to time too.

One of my favourite corners of the house is our little 50s sideboard, rescued from a dark corner of a charity shop before we even had a home to put it in, and kept in my mum's shed without its legs until we moved in. It just fits the wall between our dining room and kitchen perfectly, like it was meant to be. It's been given a little clean up and filled with colourful (and breakable) things, like of crockery and glasses collected over the years. It even has a little hidden drinks cabinet on the left, which doesn't get dipped into as often as I'd like.

On top of the sideboard is one of those portable record players that Arlo (ahem) got Alex for Father's Day. He's good like that. It's next to an ancient CD player which means we can play albums in almost any outdated format we like of an evening (I think I even have my beloved minidisc player from 2004 somewhere if we want to complete the set). Arlo is fascinated by the record player and watches intently when we put something on, trying to figure out how it all works. We have a bit of a family ritual of putting on a record while dinner's cooking and dancing round the kitchen together like hungry loons, especially on days when Alex or I have been at work, kind of like a small celebration of our family reunion. Which makes this a happy corner of the house. And one of my favourite places to be.

Home Etc


  1. I love it! It's cool and practical. The little bluebirds are cute - are they salt and pepper shakers?

    1. Thanks Lizzie! Yes they are salt and pepper shakers. A gift from a friend that are too lovely to use! x

  2. Oh I love that corner, how cool. The little retro touches are so cool too. X

  3. That looks gorgeous. My sister has a charity shop find drinks cabinet that she has filled with her record collection. It reminds me of your set up.
    Fionnuala from

    1. Sounds lovely - I do love a good charity shop find! xx

  4. Looks perfect. What a fab piece to keep all your items. Love that record player! I also like looking onto other people's homes and seeing what they have :) Jess x


    1. Thanks Jess, glad to hear I'm not alone :) xx

  5. Your home is so lovely. I'm a huge fan of record players like that! #HomeEtc

    1. Thanks Nancy - they're lovely aren't they, I think I'd have one in every colour if I could! xx

  6. LOVE it! It's so quirky and cool, love the mirror above it too! Haha minidisc player - now you really are going retro! #HomeEtc
    Sabrina xx

    1. Ha - I genuinely think my old minidisc player is under the bed somewhere, I could never chuck it out because my old teenage self loved it so much at the time! Thanks for reading :) xx

  7. Arlo is SO clever to buy his daddy that for father's day!! ;) He's clearly inherited his mother's good taste ;) !! Thanks so much for linking up with #HomeEtc — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro |

    1. Hehe, thanks Caro! See you tomorrow for more #HomeEtc xx
