Monday, 14 September 2015


As the Isle of Wight waves the last few Bestival-goers off the island today, with them go the last dregs of summer. It's been grey and rainy all day and I've resigned myself that Autumn is upon us. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to welcome Autumn, it's probably my fave season of all actually, but before I do, I want to stop for a second and think back over the Summer that was. It was really a summer of firsts. Not necessarily those big, monumental firsts that fill the first year or so like first words, steps, sleeping through the night (we're well beyond all those baby milestones now. Sniff.) But lots of other things that were just as memorable. Some things I'm only just realising now were pretty monumental in their own way. Like:

  • Our first potato printing experience (for both of us!) 
  • The first time Arlo got stung by a bee (I was scared, he survived).
  • The first time I had one of those haircuts that just seems to go right for once. For about two weeks until it grew out.
  • The first time I thought to myself "maybe we COULD have another one and the world wouldn't end and we might all survive"
  • The first sentence "Daddy and baby on the beesh" (he means beach, but still)
  • Our first taste of the terrible twos. Tantrums and all. Some of my very lowest parenting points I would say. Punctuated by some of the best stuff ever. I guess that's how they design this parenting stuff, so we don't disown our own as soon as they turn two.
  • The first time I've been genuinely happy to see a poo. Because it was in the potty of a child that isn't even really being potty trained. He just chose to do it one day in his potty. How mad is that?! I'm thinking this my be my karma for all the very many very sleepless nights.
  • The first proper family holiday. More of those please.
  • Our first whole night away, just the two of us. Many more of those too please. 

Many things to remember. And many more to come. Ideally more of the potato painting times and less of the tantrum times to come please, although I sense there'll be plenty of both. Autumn, we're ready for you now.

 photo HappyDays New Badge Small_zpskpfebjmi.jpg


  1. There are lots of firsts there! I love potato print painting - it remind me of my childhood. I love that photo as well - what a cheeky little face! Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x

    1. Thanks Vic- can you believe I've NEVER done potato printing? It was so much fun. Loving reading through #PoCoLo as ever xx

  2. Such a lovely list, Poppy. Genuinely brought a huge smile to my face.

    I can't wait to try potato printing with Jasmine when she's a bit old.

    And well done to Arlo for pooing in the potty. That bodes well for when you do start potty training.

    Thanks for joining the #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Thanks Jenna - it was messy but lots of fun! xx

  3. Potato printing is one of my favourite crafts. We also cut apples in half and print them at this time of year, it's a great way to use up windfalls :)


    1. Ooh I like that idea, do you get a little star in the middle of the apple where the core is? Will try that out! xx

  4. What wonderful firsts to remember. I remember the first 'maybe another one wouldn't be so bad' lol x

    1. Thanks Jo - I was quite shocked to even think it! It's a thought that comes and goes quite a lot at the moment, depending on tantrum levels! :)

  5. Oh these are exciting firsts! I have had my first 'maybe we could have a third baby' though this week. Argh!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

    1. Hehe Katy - it came out of nowhere and I was surprised to even think it tbh. I'm giving myself some thinking time on that one! xx
