Sunday, 17 August 2014

A little bit of Cowes Week

When I tell people I've moved to the Isle of Wight, they usually say "ooh, whereabouts?" and I say "Cowes" and they go "is that where they have Cowes Week?" and I go "well obvs"  "yes it is".

Cowes Week is basically a big sailing regatta where they have races every day, and the town fills up with yachties, and gets taken over with food stalls and music and bars and dancing, and everyone on the island comes out for at least one obligatory Cowes Week night out. Alex actually had two CWNOs - one with me and some of our fiends that was pretty reserved, and one with his mates that was NOT.

Apart from nights out, there's lots to do in the daytime too, so Arlo and I made a trip down one day to meet some friends, have lunch and look at the boats - Arlo thinks they're ducks, which is fairly logical seeing as they float on water, but I'm hoping to add the word boat to his repertoire soon, seeing as we're pretty much surrounded by them at the moment.

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