Friday, 22 August 2014

Friday I'm in love... with change

It's my birthday in a couple of days. This is an exciting thing. Not only because of the obvious (cake) but also because every year my birthday seems to mark change. Apart from the fact that I become a year older each August (yes I did just feel the need to explain what a birthday works, sorry), my birthday always used to mark the beginning of the end of the summer holidays and so bring with a fizzy exciting feeling that I get when change is afoot.

The summer in general has always been a time of change for me. Obviously it's been the beginning and end of many school and university years, but it's also seen me leave for, and return from, a year of travels, start and finish various jobs, meet Alex on a blind date (8 years ago tomorrow - blimey), move house a few times, become a mum and become a homeowner. The last three things on the list all happened in the same summer last year. Big year.

So thinking about all these different chapters got me a bit worried - what's changing this year? I'm in the same place, doing the same job, and to the best of my knowledge not due to give birth any time soon. Then I realised. This year I have Arlo. So now every year is going to be jam-packed with change. I can't bloody wait. I'm already ridiculously excited about the prospect of Christmas and Arlo learning to say "why?" at some point in the next 12 months, not to mention seeing my new little nephews get bigger this year, along with a million other things that I can't even imagine yet, that will change me in different ways.

So thanks summer for getting here early and sticking around for so long, but hello autumn and cosy nights in and new winter coats and putting a little stocking at the end of Arlo's bed in a few months' time. I'm embracing change and I just can't wait.

Ps. Have had this stuck in my head ever since I wrote the title of this post. It's only natural.

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