Friday, 19 June 2015

Friday I'm in love... with black and white spots

Just lately I've been feeling very diy-inclined, and have been perusing my Pinterest boards for inspiration. I have a board dedicated to black and white spots for interiors, which is a look I love. It is such a classic combo that looks gorgeous with pops of colour, and is really versatile. It can look super-stylish, like this classic bathroom or artfully arranged gold shelving unit, or fun and playful, like either of the bedspreads above. And how about that Dalmation chair!? Totally un-child friendly (I wouldn't let a felt tip pen within a 3-meter radius) but that only adds to its desirability.

The easiest way to add a splash of monochrome spots to your house? Add some fabric, like the light curtain above, or some cushions. Because black and white spots are always going to look fresh. Just ask Cruella.

Home Etc


  1. I really like it too. I prefer it for accessories like the duvet covers or curtains - a whole wall of it would be a bit much for me lol #HomeEtc

  2. Very cool! I love that bottom right pic, really makes a statement! :) #HomeEtc

  3. I read this this morning Poppy but my comment wouldn't save. I am a big fan of black and white and of spots. In fact I just ordered a dress this morning that is black with white spots.
    I really like the idea with the curtain. Such an easy and temporary way to change the look of a room.

  4. That's the first thing I thought of too a and then of a childhood pet, a Dalmatian called William who would most definitely not been allowed in that chair. Nor I imagine would he be too impressed with it either, but I think it's gorgeous! #homeetc

  5. Why did I never think of Dalmatian print before? It is so appealing (I love polko dots and I have an unhealthy Peggy Mitchell type obsession with animal print). Thank you for the heads up. PS. Love your blog #HomeEtc

  6. I just love these!! I didn't think I would but all the images are beautiful :) I especially love the chair. Might go for something for my office perhaps xx Great inspiration ideas.

    Jess xx #HomeEtc

  7. Haha that Cruella comment made me giggle because as I was looking at the pictures the chair especially made me think of the 101 Dalmatians! Similarly to Jess above I wasn't sure if I'd like the look but seeing it styled out in those images it looks great, especially the curtains and the bedding X #HomeEtc

  8. It's one of those things that if you over-styled it, could look REALLY hectic but in the right amount looks amazing!! Love these pics Poppy — especially the one with the voile curtain. LOVE how well the spots sit with the floral cushion!! Thanks so much for linking up with us! :) #HomeEtc
