Saturday, 4 July 2015

Building tracks and blowing bubbles

Things have been pretty busy round here this month - of the last four weekends, only one has been spent at home, and that was without Alex because he was away. We're longing for a family weekend where we're all together with nothing much to do. Anyway, right in the middle of a very busy month, I found myself with a quiet afternoon. Arlo and I had nowhere we needed to be so we decided we didn't want to go anywhere. Anywhere except the garden, that is - it was a sunny afternoon so we headed out to make the most of it, with a train set and banana milkshake for Arlo, and the weekend papers and iced coffee for me. Heaven.

Our patio is very nearly almost finished now (you can see it in stages of being done here - thank god we're now past the rubble stage!) and even though there's a little corner that still needs doing, it's very much useable. We've even got a little bed running along the side with flowers planted in it now, very home-y indeed. We've been enjoying it so much, especially Arlo, as these pictures show - we whiled away a very happy hour making train tracks in different configurations, and then I taught him something I now wish I hadn't - how to blow bubbles in your drink with a straw. But he was going to figure that out for himself soon anyway, right?


  1. Ruth and maximo7 July 2015 at 18:58

    Lovely as always poppy. Love Ruth and maximo xx

    1. Thank you lovely Ruthie and Max! I hope you guys are well, let us know if you have any Island plans over the summer, we'd LOVE to see you xxx

  2. Meant to say I had nowt to read so read this. Now I'm off f.burk it's nice to catch up on some good social media . Thanks for the cute blog hit xxxx Ruth x
