Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Same time, same place

When you have a little person in your life, parks become a pretty big deal, and when you find one that works, it can become your favourite place to be for a little while. I never quite realised this PB (pre-baby) but not all parks are created equal. You need the right 'stuff' for your child's height/ age otherwise it can be a veritable death trap filled with things too high and too open and too easily fall-off-able. So for this reason we have had a favourite park for the past couple of months, with the right combination of things for Arlo to feel challenged but not on the verge of breaking his neck if he takes the wrong step.

It's become a little routine of ours to visit this park most days when I'm off work - and while Arlo plays, I like to snap away. I hadn't realised how much until earlier this week when I scrolled through iPhoto and found reams and reams of shots taken at this park. Enough for me to realise it's become one of our favourite places to be. It's the mundane everyday, but it's a very happy little everyday place for us. Just looking through these pics from top to bottom has made me realise two things: that this boy doesn't stop growing, and that he has a nice line in snazzy trousers. Long may our happy routine in crocodile trews continue.

 photo HappyDays New Badge Small_zpskpfebjmi.jpg


  1. Arlo has such cool trousers! For a minute I thought you had quintuplets looking at the same park but different outfits ;-) xx

    1. Oh my goodness, quintuplets, could you imagine?! One Arlo is enough right now, hehe! Thanks for reading xx

  2. I feel the same way. We have several little parks near us but they're all a bit of a pain because they all have mixture of little kid stuff and bigger kid stuff. You can guess what my little lady is attracted to the most. My nerves are usually shot to pieces after a trip to the park. We found one this week which is much more suited to her though so we're going to stick to that one as much as we can now.


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. I know what you mean - if there's something with a sheer drop, then of course that's the one that Arlo wants to climb all over! Glad you've found one that works - now we've found this one we're sticking to it! xx

  3. I have been thinking this again today. L fell climbing a ladder today, ladders should be banned!! There are no great parks near us, sad times! So glad you've found a good one! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

    1. Oh no, hope she's OK? Arlo is the same, the higher the better for him - I'm sure they could make ladders a bit safer. Loving #HappyDaysLinky as ever! xx
