Last weekend Arlo turned one. I know all everyone ever talks about when you have kids is how quickly the time goes, but wow that year really did go fast! I had been feeling a bit glum about him turning one, I think something to do with him not really being a baby any more (technically, once you're one you're an infant, not a baby apparently, which seems like a bit of a formal way to reference your child in conversation if you ask me) but it turns out turning one is just like any other birthday - you get to have a party and basically be in charge for the day, being spoiled rotten.
Arlo and his grandad playing it cool |
Arlo, Alex and Aunty Agnes sharing birthday cuddles |
And he was well and truly spoiled - not just by some lovely presents, but also by spending lots of time with his favourite people. My dad was over from New York to visit in the run up, and all of Alex's family came to stay for his birthday weekend so he got lots of family love. The day itself was sunny, and we set up some playthings in the garden (including his birthday present from us, a big top play tent, which has been filled with books and turned into a reading nook in his bedroom) for his little friends to play with. I now realise I didn't take a single photo of the party itself (the sign of a good party) so I'm using these Instagram pics of the set up to give the general gist - think balloons, chocolate cake and lounging in the sun while various one year olds try and hit each other over the head with maracas.

At the party one of our friends asked me what I'd learned about parenthood in the last year, and my answer was 'nothing!' Does anyone ever really feel like they've cracked it? It got me thinking about what I've learned and what I'd pass on, which is probably a worthy subject for another post... if I can actually think of anything! We agreed that being a parent is really hard but really amazing, which is a fairly concise, yet accurate way of summing it up. So thanks Arlo for an at times hard, but mostly totally amazing year.
Happy Birthday Arlo! A party can never have too much bunting. |
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