Sunday, 4 October 2015

Two years of home


Timehop kindly reminded us of an anniversary today - it's two years since we picked up the keys on our first little house together. The 4th October is a date I'll always remember for that very reason, but this year it almost passed me by, so I was glad of the reminder. When we first moved in, I didn't write this little blog, so I didn't know about one of the most important things to do when it comes to diy: THE BEFORE PHOTO. I do love a good before photo - there's nothing like looking back at what a room used to look like to make you truly appreciate your efforts. IF ONLY I could go back in time two years today, I'd be snapping pics left right and centre in a way I'm pretty sure would annoy Alex (it usually does).

BUT looking back through an old file today I found the original estate agent details from the very first time we looked round. Well thumbed, I remember looking at the pictures over and over while we made the decision to put in an offer and waited for the months and months it took for it all to happen. So excuse the quality (because they're basically photos taken of a piece of paper) and behold - the before pictures! Orange walls and all. The 'before' shots are the ones on the left, and 'after' is on the right - did I need to say that?! I don't have corresponding 'after' shots of the exact same angles in each room (for the kitchen in particular, but I had to include because painting the white wall bright pink has made such a difference), there's LOADS of stuff still to do, but looking back on these shows me how far we've come. Here's to many more years in our happy home, many more diy efforts, and (if I've got anything to do with it) MANY more before and after photos to come.

Home Etc


  1. Your home looks so lovely and inviting - loving that you haven't been afraid to use bold colours - they look fab! I really need to add some more finishing touches to our home - since we moved in we've been decorating and renovating, but its now missing all of the little personal details. You've inspired me! #HomeEtc

  2. We hardly took any "Before" photos either, so I feel your pain. x


  3. LOL a lady after my own heart, I'm OBSESSED with before and after photos. I always get so cross when the home magazines only have a piddly little postage stamp sized before photo followed by 15 pages of glossy full page after photos it just doesn't show the full story. It looks really lovely now and congratulations on your anniversary X #HomeETc

  4. Haha!! No you didn't have to explain the before pictures were on the left. It looks like you have really made the house your own, I love the front room transformation and your kitchen reminds me of our family bathroom, white and bright pink. It all looks lovely xx

  5. Yes that's quite orange isn't it? I love the after pink wall though :) #homeetc

  6. Thank god you got some before photos after all. That orange wall - wow - that must have taken a few coats to get rid of. And I have fallen in love with your pink kitchen wall. I want one! I think I'm going to paint my kitchen wall pink now :-D Sabrina xx #HomeEtc

  7. Love the changes - and hurrah for the before & after shots! We have ours too (of our old home) and the difference was amazing! Looks fab. I love the kitchen especially. Thanks for sharing :) Much appreciated. Jess x #HomeEtc

  8. Ah I love before and after pictures :) Looks like a lovely home, and lots of very positive changes :) #homeetc
